Uncover Your Truth with Therapy for Adults

Complex emotions can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, and unworthy. When these feelings build up, it can feel impossible to get back to how things used to be.

But you don’t have to work through those feelings alone. Dr. Becker offers therapy for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, LGBTQ issues, childhood trauma, and more.

By working through these feelings with Dr. Becker, you get one step closer to uncovering your truth.

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Therapy & Counseling in Dallas, TX

Childhood Trauma Therapy in Dallas, TX

Childhood Trauma Therapy in Dallas, TX

Trauma from childhood can feel like a well of emotion is sitting inside, just waiting to come out. This haunting feeling may create agitation, shame, and helplessness throughout your life.

While you may not be able to change the past, you can change how it impacts your future.

Dr. Becker helps you untangle negative patterns and beliefs and replace them with coping skills that help you move forward confidently.

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Depression Therapy in Dallas, TX

When you suffer from depression, it can feel like a cloud is hanging over you, affecting every part of your daily life. This may make you feel stuck, scattered, and unsure how to keep going.

But the good news is that you can overcome this.

Seeking help from a therapist like Dr. Becker who specializes in depression counseling can equip you with the right tools to manage your emotions and retrain your brain with more effective coping skills.

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Anxiety Counseling in Dallas, TX

Anxiety can rob you of the ability to life in the moment - to be with your loved ones, to feel comfortable at work and in pubic settings, to feel confident in your decision-making. Feeling anxious can be a vicious cycle, especially when your mind is spinning out of control.

While a healthy amount of anxiety can be motivating, an excess amount may impact your relationships, work life, and home life.

If your anxiety is feeling overwhelming, Dr. Becker is here with the tools to manage your anxiety and help you live life in the moment again.

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Receive Help With

Addiction (e.g., alcohol, substance, behavioral)
Self-Esteem/Self-Worth Concerns
Relationship Conflicts
Family of Origin Issues
Traumatic Stress

Schedule Your Therapy Appointment with Dr. Becker

If you’re experiencing a rough patch in your life, you don’t have to go through it alone.

Dr. Becker is eager to work with you and guide you through the difficult challenges ahead.

Schedule your therapy appointment today to start getting the help you need.

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